
Webcam live in Almanarre

All sea and wind conditions

Weather Presqu'île de Giens (Var)

The weather in the bay of Almanarre in live webcam

Discover Wind Guru data and a live webcam

As we want to provide you with all possible information to prepare your navigation, with us or on your own, this page offers you a live view of the bay of Almanarre, the webcam which at a glance shows you the weather conditions and the density of users of the water. We want to be a reliable partner for all users of our beautiful beach.

In addition to the webcam, this page will be systematically updated with the WindGuru and Winds-Up tables.


WindGuru is now internationally established in the field of weather forecasts and wind surveys for the world’s coastline. If you go to the site and click on Spot in the top left hand corner, you will see the impressive coverage of this site which provides you with very accurate forecasts from all over the world.

Their chart is very intuitive and easy to navigate and understand. WindGuru uses colour codes and pictograms that make it quick and easy to read.

From top to bottom, you will find small boxes where the date, average wind speed (in knots, not Beaufort!), gust speed, as well as the origin of the wind are indicated. Note that a westerly wind comes from the west, and does not go west. Sea currents, on the other hand, indicate the direction and not the origin.

All the lines are labelled, so there is no need to worry about understanding the table. The colour codes for wind are the same as those used in all weather reports, and a standard has been established to make them easier to read throughout the world. For the temperature, it goes from yellow to red, easy to understand and for the cloud cover, from white to grey! Simple.

The main advantage of WindGuru is that at a glance, you have the situation and its evolution stated in a very explicit way.


Winds-Up offers another, slightly more educational approach. Their graph allows you to see the possible difference between the forecast and the actual situation, updated very regularly thanks to a fleet of anemometers that all belong to Winds-Up.

The graph is a bit less intuitive than the one from WindGuru, but it is worth studying, as it is updated about every two minutes. So it’s a very reliable source for the weather at your favourite spot! Winds-Up is a paying site, so we suggest you to take advantage of the graph which gives you the information in real time!

Do not hesitate to take a subscription for a few months the time to perfect your acuity on the weather.

The Winds-Up website is without doubt the favourite of kitesurfers worldwide, and it also offers a classified ads page for the sale of kite equipment.

And for subscribers (the first subscription is 2,70€/month), the access to numerous webcams of kitesurfing spots around the world is a real godsend!


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Weather Giens peninsula (VAR) | École Kitesurf Var
Weather Giens peninsula (VAR) | École Kitesurf Var
Weather Giens peninsula (VAR) | École Kitesurf Var
Weather Giens peninsula (VAR) | École Kitesurf Var